Black Sunday



Those of us old enough remember recognize the 1950’s as the heyday of horror films. Almost weekly a new feature would arrive featuring invading aliens, gigantic bugs, or terrifying monsters of the night. By the early 1960’s horror films had stepped up in class adding color, better special effects and mainstream production values. One of the best of this new wave of horror films is Mario Bava’s Black Sunday. Starring the leading lady of horror, Barbara Steele, the film was based on the Russian Nikolai Gogol’s short story Vy.  Filmed in Italy the film was imported to the US by American International where is met with great success. This is the original US release poster for the film.

Product ID: F025
Date: 1961
Size: 27" x 41"
NSS#: 61/76
Price: $350
Condition: Linen Mounted

Categories: 1960's, Horror, Movie
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